
Wondering Where I Get My Wonderland Wisdom?

Alice in Wonderland research can be a rabbit hole in itself. There are countless useful essays, books and articles analyzing the Alice books in terms of philosophy, psychology, Victorian society and the genre of nonsense. There are also countless useless essays, books and articles. Not to mention all the biographies on Alice’s creator, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson AKA Lewis Carroll.

The volumes I have employed the most often are below. If a book is available for free online, I included a link to that resource. If a book is not available for free online, I included a link to its listing on Amazon. If you are doing some Alice in Wonderland research of your own, don’t forget your local library of course!

I will keep adding to this list as I research further. Rest assured, the useless essays, books and articles will not be included!

Alice’s Adventures Underground by Lewis Carroll

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll

The Nursery Alice by Lewis Carroll

The Annotated Alice: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll and Martin Gardner

More Annotated Alice: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll and Martin Gardner

Alice in Wonderland (Norton Critical Editions) by Lewis Carroll and Donald J. Gray

The Illustrators of Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass by Graham Ovenden

The Philosopher’s Alice: The Thinking Man’s Guide to a Misunderstood Nursery Classic by Lewis Carroll and Peter Heath

Aspects of Alice: Lewis Carroll’s Dreamchild as Seen Through the Critics’ Looking-Glasses, 1865-1971 by Robert Phillips

The Alice Companion: A Guide to Lewis Carroll’s Alice Books by Jo Elwyn Jones and J. Francis Gladstone

All Things Alice: The Wit, Wisdom and Wonderland of Lewis Carroll by Linda Sunshine

The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood

Lewis Carroll: A Biography by Morton N. Cohen

Of course, these are not ALL of the books I have used in my Alice in Wonderland research, only the ones I have used the most often. Happy Reading!

famour photograph of Lewis Carroll