The 4th of July is obviously a pretty important day for the United States of America. But did you know, it’s also the anniversary of one of the most influential books in the entire world? One hundred and fifty years ago today, the very first edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published! There simply couldn’t be a more frabjous day to launch our new website, Alice is Everywhere. will be a place to explore all things Alice in Wonderland:
– theater and movie reviews
– language play and logic
– Alice’s influence on pop culture
– travel tips on visiting real-life Wonderlands
– ways to incorporate Alice into your everyday life
– and especially… spirited discourse on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There and their enigmatic author, Lewis Carroll!
If you live and breathe Alice in Wonderland and find that you have no one to talk to about your favorite obsession, congratulations! You’re home. Stay tuned for a new article every Tuesday filled with facts, fun and insightful commentary from an obsessive Wonderland brethren. Have a topic you’re dying to discuss? Wondering if cats eat bats, or how can she knit with so many? Leave burning questions and/or comments below, and we’ll include them in a future post. Or on our podcast, launching later this month!